dailamo dailamo notations


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Music notes for the song dailamo dailamo

song : dailamo dailamo
movie : dishyum

dailamo dailamo daila daila dailamo
p  pss  s  s s  pn1ps s  s  s  s s

dailamoo  dailamoo   dailamo dailamo
n1 g1r2~n1 n1 n1n1~g1 g1 r2 n1 d1 p p

kaalaelaeki raathirimel kaaadhalae aee   aee   aeee 
g1 g1 r2  r2  s  n1 n1r2   r2g1r2g1ss   sm1sm1s sm1sm1s sm1sm1s

theekuchikki thanni maelae kaaadhalae
g1  g1g1  r2  s   n1 n1 r2   r2g1r2g1ss

so ekbasker ennoda lovea kabhar
p  s s  p   n1n1m1  p n1  d1p

ekbasker ennoda lovea kabhar
s s  p   r2 r2 p  g1p   m1 p


charanam 1

america neeyaana afghanistan naanaana
ps p p  p  d1 p  s s  p  n1  p  n1 pg1

kalyaanam  endha ooru kooru
g1r2r2 ss n1 n1s   n1s  sg1r2

von oorum okay dhaan enga  oorum okay dhan
s   p d1  pd1  p     s sg1 p d1  pd1  p

bin laden enna solraan paaru
m1 r2 r2ss n1n1s  n1 s    m1  r2

von maela pithu pithu pithu pithu
g1  r2  s  s r2   s r2   s r2   s r2

noi theera muthu muthu muthu muthu
r2 g1r2   n1 n1s   n1s   n1s   n1s

von maela pithu pithu noi theera muthu muthu
sg1 r2 ss  p p   p p   pg1 r2  ss  m1 p   m1 m1

kaadhalu si poda noonjettu vaegattumaa
sg1r2  ss sg1r2ss  s m1 m1  m1  g1m1r2g1s s

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