Song : Pardesi Pardesi Jaana Nahin
Movie : Raja Hindustani
Defaults : s r2 g3 m1 p d2 n2 (unless otherwise specified. )
Scale/Key: C
pardesi pardesi jaana nahin mujhe chodh kaeeee, mujhe chodh ke
g prgs g prgs s gr s d d s rg2r r g2g g gmg sr s s...
Song : Pardesi Pardesi Jaana Nahin
Movie : Raja Hindustani
Defaults : s r2 g3 m1 p d2 n2 (unless otherwise specified)
Scale/Key: C (not necessarily original but chose to align with the scale of the notes) Pallavi
pardesi pardesi jaana nahin mujhe chodh kaeeee, mujhe chodh ke...